Face to face with fashion student Raymond Salazar !

He may not be famous..yet, but his taste in fashion is rich! Good looks and a great sense of style are not all Ray Salazar has to offer to the fashion world. His creativity is his passion. Seriously, his head is full of explosive ideas of what style is supposed to look like and his…

Malibu Candy Company

It’s finally fall, and we all know that with every new season there’s a craving for something new to obsess over. Why not make it candy this season? Thats right, I said candy! Who doesn’t love candy? Lets face it, if all you want to do is curl up in your warm bed and watch repeated seasons…

Pinky Pony Promise (Fight for Breast Cancer)

Looks like Ralph Lauren is in the spotlight once again, and this time we’re talking charity. We all know and love his preppy baby blue sweaters and his Barbie pink skirts, but what we love even more is the way he uses his talent to promote charity events. “Ralph Lauren has made a pledge to…

Abercrombie and Fitch sued for refusing to hire a Muslim woman.

In 2008 a woman named Samantha Elauf came for a job interview at Abercrombie and Fitch. When she was being interviewed for the job she was wearing a headscarf for religious purposes. The interviewer Heather Cooke  gave her the highest score she could have given, yet something went wrong when Cooke showed her district manager Samantha’s profile….